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The series focuses on Ayukawa Noriko, the teacher of a class of first-graders. One day, a boy named Kento transfers into her class from another school, where he was treated as a problem child. In reality, the inquisitive Kento actually displays the potential of being a prodigy, and it's up to Noriko to figure out how to handle him. The story draws inspiration from the childhood of famous inventor Thomas Edison, who was also considered a problem child by most adults around him.
Misaki Itō
Ayukawa Noriko
Maki Sakai
Hanafusa Aoi
Shosuke Tanihara
Kaoru Sugita
Yuki Matsushita
Yoji Tanaka
Iwai Yuuzou
Yoshihiko Hosoda
Kubo sensei
Masayuki Itô
Noguchi Shouhei
Kyoko Kamimura
Hanafusa Chie