Release Date:
Anna and Kitty. Two lives. One of desperate passion that ends in tragedy, the other, an existence made real through love. Two destinies that interweave, giving rise to two, so very different stories, yet lived in pursuit of the same desire- to find a love that lets them fully be themselves, to live without having to conform to society’s pretenses.
Official website :http://annakarenina.rai.it
Vittoria Puccini
Anna Karenina
Santiago Cabrera
Aleksej Vronskij
Benjamin Sadler
Aleksej Karenin
Lou de Laâge
Kitty Scerbàtskaja
Max von Thun
Konstantin Levin
Carlotta Natoli
Dolly Scerbàtskaja
Pietro Sermonti
Ángela Molina
Gräfin Wronskaja
Léa Bosco
Princess Betsy
Karina Stungytė
Maid Kitty