Albert II


Release Date:


Largely fictionalized, partly fictitious chapters from the life of the Belgian royal family during and around the reign of king Albert II. Besides his duties, including signing a more federal regime for the Belgian state, focus is on his marital troubles, illegal offspring and unruly sons. Albert's elder brother and predecessor Boudewijn I and his widow Fabiola also play a largely fictionalized part.

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Leah Thys

Koningin Fabiola

Stefaan Degand

Prins Laurent

Ruth Becquart

Prinses Astrid

Kris Cuppens

Koning Boudewijn

Lucas Van den Eynde

Koning Albert II

Mathijs Scheepers

Prins Filip

Valentijn Dhaenens

Guy Verhofstadt

Christel Domen

Sybille de Selys Longchamps

An Miller

Delphine Boël

Veerle Eyckermans

Koningin Paola


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