Release Date:
The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focuses on a trio of campers attending a poorly run summer camp known as Camp Kidney. The trio consists of Lazlo, the eccentric, optimistic spider monkey; Raj, the timid Indian elephant; and Clam, the quiet albino pygmy rhinoceros, and their multiple surreal misadventures.
Official website :http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/camplazlo/index.html
Carlos Alazraqui
Lazlo / Clam / Chef McMuesli (voice)
Jeff Bennett
Raj / Samson / Commander Hoo-Ha (voice)
Mr. Lawrence
Edward / Dave / Ping Pong / Nurse Leslie (voice)
Tom Kenny
Scoutmaster Lumpus / Slinkman (voice)
Steve Little
Chip / Skip (voice)
Camp Lazlo - Club Kidney-Ki (Preview)