Release Date:
Love & Lies is a Filipino suspense-action drama series created by RJ Nuevas, developed by Richard Cruz and produced by GMA Network. The series premiered on April 8, 2013, replacing Temptation of Wife on the network's coveted GMA Telebabad slot and on April 9, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. It concluded its nine weeks run on June 7, 2013 with the total of forty-four episodes and to be replaced by My Husband's Lover on its timeslot. The series headlines Richard Gutierrez, Bela Padilla, Sid Lucero, Paolo Contis and Michelle Madrigal as the main casts. Mark Reyes directed the show, while Leilani Feliciano-Sandoval and Rebya Upalda were the executive producers of the series throughout its nine weeks run. The series follows Edward Galvez, a fictional Philippine Navy officer, who gets tangled in a web of lies and conspiracies when a mysterious organization suddenly kidnaps his wife. As the protagonist discovers the truth behind the crime, he uncovers a treacherous plot that threatens to turn his world upside-down. The true perpetrators of the crime may be closer to home than he dare think. As he thread to the maze of lies, blackmails, double-dealings, and betrayals, everyone becomes a suspect.
Official website :http://gmanetwork.com/entertainment/tv/loveandlies/home/
Richard Gutierrez
Edward Galvez
Bela Padilla
Denise Salvador-Galvez
Michelle Madrigal
Catherine "Cathy" Alcantara-Galvez
Sid Lucero
Gabriel "Gabby" Romero
Paolo Contis
Emmanuel "Manny" Perez
Lloyd Samartino
Ramon Alcantara
Bobby Andrews
Captain Jose Lorde Villamor
Luz Valdez
Rosa Galvez
Miguel Tanfelix
Marco Salvador
Jeric Gonzales
Ryan Alcantara