Release Date:
The show revolves around the lives of the members of an Uber Wealthy - High Society Gujarati family of Cuffe Parade - South Mumbai, whose daughter-in-law is from a middle class Delhi background.
Official website :https://www.hotstar.com/in/tv/sarabhai-vs-sarabhai/523
Ratna Pathak Shah
Maya Sarabhai
Rupali Ganguly
Monisha Sarabhai
Satish Shah
Indravadhan ''Indu" Sarabhai
Sumeet Raghvan
Sahil Sarabhai
Rajesh Kumar
Rosesh Sarabhai
Deven Bhojani
Dushyant Painter
Vaibhavi Upadhyay
Jasmine Mavani
Sarabhai vs Sarabhai Take 2, May 16 onwards only on Hotstar! (60 sec)