Release Date:
The Kingdom of The Wind, also known as The Land of The Wind, is a 2008 South Korean historial drama, broadcast on KBS from 10 September 2008 to 15 January 2009. It was directed by Kang Il-soo, written by Choi Wan-gyu, Jung Jin-ok, Park Jin-woo; adapted from manhwa by Kim Jin.
Official website :http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/baram/
Song Il-gook
Prince Muhyul
Choi Jung-won
Princess Yeon
Kim Jung-hwa
Princess Lee Ji
Park Gun-hyung
Prince Dojin
Jung Jin-young
King Yuri
Lee Si-young
Yeon Hwa
Kim Hye-seong
Prince Yeojin
Lee Jong-won
Prince Hae Myeong
Jang Tae-seong
Han Jin-hee
King Daeso