

Release Date:


Bambino! is a Japanese cooking manga written and illustrated by Tetsuji Sekiya. The manga has been serialized in Shogakukan's seinen magazine Big Comic Spirits. As of February 2009, Shogakukan has published 14 bound volumes of the manga. It received the 2008 Shogakukan Manga Award for seinen/general manga along with Takeshi Natsuhara's and Kuromaru's Kurosagi. NTV broadcast the live-action TV drama from April 18, 2007 to June 27, 2007. It was broadcast in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico by TV Japan, an affiliate of NHK, from January to March 2008.

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Jun Matsumoto

Ban Shogo


Asuka Hibino

Ryuta Sato

Katori Nozomi

Yuki Uchida

Miyuki Shishido

Kuranosuke Sasaki

Atsushi Kuwabara

Kazuki Kitamura

Tsukasa Yonamine

Masachika Ichimura

Tekkan Shishido

Osamu Mukai

Masashi Senoo

Ayaka Komatsu

Kozue Minakawa

Kei Yamamoto

Susumu Endo


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