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The Weekenders is a Disney animated series about the weekend life of four diverse 7th graders: Tino Tonitini, Lorraine McQuarrie, Carver Descartes, and Petratishkovna Katsufrakis, voiced by veteran cartoon voice-actors: Jason Marsden, Grey DeLisle, Phil LaMarr, and Kath Soucie, respectively. It is stated at least once that the four main characters are each twelve years old. The setting is the fictional town of Bahia Bay, California. The show was created by Doug Langdale, later creator of Disney Channel's Dave the Barbarian.
Jason Marsden
Tino Tonitini
Grey DeLisle
Lorraine "Lor" McQuarrie
Phil LaMarr
Carver Descartes
Kath Soucie
Petratishkovna "Tish" Katsufrakis
Jeff Bennett
Pizza Guy