Above the Wall


Release Date:


In the late 1990s, amid China’s state-owned enterprise reforms, laid-off worker Jiao Tongsheng drowns just before he plans to report corruption. At the same time, a safe containing embezzlement evidence goes missing from the home of factory director Xiao Gengshi. Desperate to cover his tracks, Xiao Gengshi begins a deadly spree. Jiao Tongsheng’s daughter, Shuangsheng, uncovers his dark secret and engages in a tense battle of wits with Xiao Gengshi, ultimately helping the police bring him to justice.

Official website :https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQyMTg5OTgxNg==.html


Li Guangjie

Xiao Gengshi

Aimee Xu

Lin Shuangsheng

Zhu Zhu

Lin Lan

Dong Jie

Shan Jieying

Zhao Wei

Luo Shixiang


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