Release Date:
The suspense story begins when Jin Saeki, a policeman in Yamanashi Prefecture, arrives at a prominent estate residence in response to a tip, and finds the skeletal remains of 13 children, as well as a mysterious marking. Jūzō Haikawa, the long-missing owner of the estate, immediately becomes the prime suspect. Saeki collaborates with a woman named Kanon Hasumi, who has a connection to Haikawa, and together they search for the truth behind the case. In a parallel story set in Tokyo seven years after the case, a girl with a connection to the mark left on the Haikawa estate runs away from home.
Official website :https://www.ytv.co.jp/furitsumore/
Ryo Narita
Jin Saeki
Ai Yoshikawa
Kanon Hasumi
Fumiyo Kohinata
Jūzō Haikawa
Taiki Sato
Jun Suzuki
Riku Hagiwara
Sōsuke Takimoto
Toru Nomaguchi
Sōichi Kawai
Bambi Naka
Maya Okishima
Kazuto Mokudai
Takeru Kamishiro
Azuma Yuma
Matsumoto Leo
Kawaguchi Satoru