Walk With You


Release Date:


On the day that Su Yingying, the daughter of the loyal Chief Minister Su of the Cabinet, married the second prince, Xie Yuheng, her family was massacred by Xie Yuheng and his troops on the grounds of Chief Minister Su's alleged treason. Thus, Xie Yuheng ascended to the position of crown prince. Three years later, Su Yingying returns to clear her father's name and uncover the truth behind the treason case. Teaming up with the seventh prince, Xie Yian, she disguises herself as Xie Yian's maid, Su Ying.

Official website :https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjM4MTkyNDg4MA==.html


Lin Zehui

Xie Yi'an

Xu Zhenzhen

Su Yingying

Zhu Minxin

Xie Ziheng

He Shi

Fu Rong

Kai Gao

Ren Pingshang

Zhu Xinyuan

Hua Chanjuan


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