Q18 Quantum Dice: Allegory of The Quantum


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Sci-Fi & FantasyMystery

Dr. Ko creates two quantum AIs, Black and White, designed to grow alongside his cryogenically frozen son and form a unique friendship. As they navigate Q18, Black and White gradually learn about human nature, consciousness, and emotions. By connecting the quantum computer with the human brain, they help the boy with cryogenic syndrome experience love and friendship. However, as this utopian existence takes shape, Dr. Ko fears that technology has spiraled out of control and decides to destroy Black and White, leading to an intense conflict with his son.

Official website :https://www.settv.com.tw/program/uantumice


Christopher Lee Ming-Shun

Dr. Ko

Tien Hsin


Aaron Yan


Shih Chih Tian


Hsiu-Fu Liu


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