Release Date:
Drive is an American action drama television series set against the backdrop of an illegal cross-country automobile road race, focusing on the willing and unwilling competitors and, as the plot develops, the unseen puppet masters who sponsor the race. Minear has described the show's thematic tone by saying "a secret, illegal, underground road race can be anything from Cannonball Run to The Game to North by Northwest to Magnolia-on-wheels. Ours is all those things."
Emma Stone
Violet Trimble
Riley Smith
Rob Laird
Amy Acker
Kathryn Tully
Kristin Lehman
Corinna Wiles
Taryn Manning
Ivy Chitty
Melanie Lynskey
Wendy Patrakas
J. D. Pardo
Sean Salazar
Kevin Alejandro
Winston Salazar
Rochelle Aytes
Leigh Barnthouse
Nathan Fillion
Alex Tully
HD Drive Trailer