Release Date:
Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack is a Japanese Tokusatsu television series created and produced by Toei Company. The series is the seventeenth and final installment of the Metal Hero Series and the partial sequel to B-Robo Kabutack. It premiered on March 8, 1998, the week following the finale of B-Robo Kabutack and ended on January 24, 1999. It joins with Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden, Seiju Sentai Gingaman and Yume no Crayon Oukoku as a program featured in TV Asahi.
Official website :http://tvarc.toei.co.jp/tv/user/program/read_story3.asp?Command=Old&SID=36
Hitoe Ootake
Sakurako Takamine
Yū Numazaki
Dr. Yuichiro Takamine
Mei Kurokawa
Misaki Tachibana
Shoichiro Akaboshi
Detective Karamatsu
Hiroo Ôtaka
Kaoru Sugi
Ijirî Okada
Saburo Sazanka