Release Date:
Franklin is an Canadian educational animated television series, based on the Franklin the Turtle books by Brenda Clark and Paulette Bourgeois. The television series was named after its main character, Franklin the Turtle. It was produced by PolyGram Television, Alphanim, LuxAnimation, Nelvana, Neurones Enterprises, Reader's Digest for Young Families, TF1, Funbag Animation Studios, Europool, Mini TFO, and Family Channel, and syndicated by Summit Entertainment.
Official website :http://franklin.treehousetv.com/
Richard Newman
Mr. Turtle (voice)
Elizabeth Saunders
Mrs. Turtle (voice)
Leah Renee
Beaver (voice)
Bryn McAuley
Harriet Turtle (voice)
Janet-Laine Green
Narrator (voice)
Vivien Endicott Douglas
Goose (voice)