Release Date:
The story of the series revolves around two families Geumgane and Hangane from different cultural backgrounds. They meet when their parents remarry in the twilight of life, and they become one family. The series follows the conflict, understanding and harmony of the extended family, showing meaning of a true family.
Official website :http://program.kbs.co.kr/1tv/drama/bemydreamfamily/
Choi Jung-woo
Geum Jong-hwa
Park Joon-geum
Kang Mo-ran
Hahm Eun-jung
Han Da-bal
Wang Ji-hye
Han Geu-roo
Joo Ah-reum
Min Ga-eun
Ryu Jin
Geum Sang-baek
Park Tam-hee
In Yeong-hye
Ok Jin-uk
Geum In Seo