Cross the Yalu River


Release Date:

War & Politics

TV mini-series telling the PRC's official narrative of its involvement in the Korean War (1950-1953). It's one of several films produced in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) (founded in July 1921).

Official website :


Tang Guoqiang

毛泽东 / Mao Ze Dong

Liu Zhibing

邓华 / Deng Hua

Wang Jiusheng

杨凤安 / Yang Feng An

Lu Qi

邓小平 / Deng Xiao Ping

Sun Weimin

周恩来/ Zhou En Lai

Ding Yongdai

彭德怀 / Peng De Huai

Zhang Xiaojun

蔡长元 / Cai Chang Yuan

He Zhengjun

陈赓 / Chen Geng

Wang Tonghui

解方 / Xie Fang

Wang Zhifei

聂荣臻 / Nie Rong Zhen


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