Release Date: 1912-07-29
A story of that famous adventurer, Haroun al Rashid, the Caliph of Bagdad.
Official website :
Leah Baird
Mousali - a Poor Woman
Tefft Johnson
The Grand Vizir
Harry T. Morey
The Minister of Worship
James Morrison
The Palace Poet
Helen Gardner
Abbasah, the Caliph's Wife
A Nest Unfeathered
Anne of the Golden Heart
Felix O'Day
Lavender and Old Lace
We're All Gamblers
Flirting with Love
The Further Adventures of Stingaree
The Flight of the Duchess
The Satin Girl
Wolfe or the Conquest of Quebec
The Spider and Her Web
La falena
Moonshine Molly
The Second Mrs. Roebuck
Her Awakening
Man's Prerogative
The House Without Children
The House with the Golden Windows