Red, White & Royal Blue


Release Date: 2023-07-27


After an altercation between Alex, the president's son, and Britain's Prince Henry at a royal event becomes tabloid fodder, their long-running feud now threatens to drive a wedge in U.S./British relations. When the rivals are forced into a staged truce, their icy relationship begins to thaw and the friction between them sparks something deeper than they ever expected.

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Taylor Zakhar Perez

Alex Claremont-Diaz

Nicholas Galitzine

Henry Hanover-Stuart Fox

Uma Thurman

Ellen Claremont

Clifton Collins Jr.

Oscar Diaz

Rachel Hilson

Nora Holleran

Sarah Shahi

Zahra Bankston

Ellie Bamber

Beatrice Hanover-Stuart Fox

Thomas Flynn

Philip Hanover-Stuart Fox

Stephen Fry

King James III

Malcolm Atobrah

Percy Okonjo

Alex Comes Out to His Mom

Prince Henry Tells the King the Truth

Alex and Prince Henry's Tense Closet Talk

Alex’s Royal Polo Game Invite

Alex’s Speech After His Relationship With Prince Henry is Leaked

Alex Comes Out to Prince Henry

Prince Henry and Alex Hard Launch Their Relationship

Prince Henry and Alex's Fireside Chat - Deleted Scene

Red, White & Royal Bloopers

Taylor Zakhar Perez from Book to Screen

Oval Office Tour

Cornetto at Kensington Palace - Deleted Scene

Feel Forever (Part 2)

Prince Henry and Alex Confess Their Love for Each Other

The International Incident, Featuring Cake

Prince Henry and Alex's First Kiss

Prince Henry and Alex Talk About Their Future

Doing This Again

Feel Forever (Part 1)


Where Is She?

Official Trailer


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