Der gute Bulle: Nur Tote reden nicht


Release Date: 2020-10-30


At the airport, customs provide a so-called mule with over a kilo of cocaine in her body. When the chief inspectors Fredo and Milan want to bring the Colombian to the police station, Milan is shot at a rest stop ... - The leading role of the chief inspector Fredo Schulz in the crime series is played by the multi-award-winning actor Armin Rohde.

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Armin Rohde

Fredo Schulz

Edin Hasanović

Milan Filipovic

Sabin Tambrea

Radu Lupescu

Johann von Bülow

Paul Schellack

Nele Kiper

Lola Karras

Lo Rivera

Paz Flores

Timo Jacobs

Marlon Prokop

Anica Dobra

Esra Filipovic

Carlo Ljubek

Bruno Bogdan

Catrin Striebeck



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