Christmas in Homestead


Release Date: 2016-11-24

RomanceTV Movie

Jessica is one of the most famous actresses in the world, leading a glamorous – if tabloid worthy – life. But all that is thrown for a loop when she goes on location to shoot a holiday themed film in the Christmas-obsessed town of Homestead, Iowa. While a romance brews between her and Matt, a local inn keeper who is a single dad, she also gets a taste of small-town life and rediscovers the true meaning of Christmas.

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Taylor Cole

Jessica McEllis

Michael Rady

Matt Larson

Michael Nardelli

Ian Carter

Brooklyn Rae Silzer

Sophie Larson

Jeff Branson

Vince Hawkins

Katrina Norman

Zoe Larson

Brandhyze Stanley

Rosalie Evans

Sylvia Jefferies

Barbara McKeevers

David de Vries


Rhoda Griffis


Preview - Christmas in Homestead - Stars Taylor Cole and Michael Rady - Hallmark Channel


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