Toni Collette
Muriel Heslop
Bill Hunter
Bill Heslop
Rachel Griffiths
Rhonda Epinstalk
Sophie Lee
Tania Degano
Jeanie Drynan
Betty Heslop
Gennie Nevinson
Deidre Chambers
Daniel Lapaine
David Van Arckle
Matt Day
Brice Nobes
Roz Hammond
Belinda Jarrett
30th Anniversary Trailer
Muriel's Wedding (1994) BLU-RAY TRAILER [HD]
Toni Collette's Journey
Remembering the Film
Toni Collette's Favorite Roles
The Acting Process
The Joy of Acting
'You Embarrass Us'
'You've Made It'
Deleted scenes in Muriel's Wedding
The editing process in Muriel's Wedding
The future for Muriel's Wedding
International audience response to Muriel's Wedding
The key audiences of Muriel's Wedding
Location shooting in Muriel's Wedding
ABBA music in Muriel's Wedding
Australian Trailer
Exclusive deleted scene, part 1b
Footage taken on set
Exclusive deleted scene, part 2
Exclusive deleted scene, part 1a
Muriel's Wedding dress comes out of its box, 20 years later
Muriel's Wedding - Trailer