The Love Bug


Release Date: 1980-01-29


According to an Amazonian indigenous legend, a certain insect, Anophelis sexualis, has aphrodisiac properties: one who is bitten by it will surely die if it does not have sex within two hours. Knowing this news, Hans Muller, a scientist, moves to the habitat of the insect and collects several specimens for research in his laboratory in the city of Ilha Bela, on the coast of São Paulo. There, besides the local administration and the population, there are several tourists. By an accident, the insects flee and attack the world.

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Angelina Muniz

Zuleica, repórter

Helena Ramos

Doris, garota do Moura

Zélia Diniz

Esposa de Galvão

Jofre Soares


Claudete Joubert

Viúva granfina

Flávio Porto

Roberto, dono do Restaurante

Aryadne de Lima

Olga, garota do halterofilista

Arlindo Barreto

Ricardo, repórter

Heitor Gaiotti

Nélio, presidiário

Rossana Ghessa

Esposa de Miguel


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