The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl


Release Date: 2005-06-10

AdventureFamilyScience Fiction

Everyone always knew that Max had a wild imagination, but no one believed that his wildest creations -- a boy raised by watchful great white sharks and a girl with the force of a volcano -- were real. Now, these two pint-sized action masters will show Max that even an ordinary kid has what it takes to be extraordinary.

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Taylor Lautner


Taylor Dooley


Cayden Boyd


David Arquette

Max's Dad

Kristin Davis

Max's Mom

Jacob Davich

Linus / Minus

Sasha Pieterse

Marissa / Ice Princess

George Lopez

Mr. Electricidad / Tobor / Ice Guardian

Rico Torres

Sharkboy's Dad

Marc Musso

Classroom Kid #1

Adventures Of Shark Boy And Lava Girl - Trailer


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