Here, Beneath the North Star


Release Date: 1968-09-13


Täällä Pohjantähden alla is based on the book with the same title. It is a story of the little village. The movie starts in the 1890's and it ends to the Finnish civil war in 1918. Story concentrates around a tenant farmer family, although it gives us a good look at the society at whole. While the class struggle depends, people of the village are driven to bloody civil war.

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Aarno Sulkanen

Akseli Koskela

Titta Karakorpi

Elina Koskela

Kalevi Kahra

Adolf Halme

Rose-Marie Precht

Ellen Salpakari

Mirjam Novero

Anna Kivivuori

Kauko Helovirta

Otto Kivivuori

Paavo Pentikäinen

Aku Koskela

Tuula Nyman

Elma Laurila

Pekka Autiovuori

Oskari Kivivuori

Elsa Turakainen

Henna Leppänen


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